Born in 1920 in Brindisi, Puglia. He graduated in architecture from the Politecnico University of Milan. As an architect, he designed buildings in Baghdad, university campuses in Zaire, houses and hotels in Italy. In 1965 he became project architect for the Development European fund. He worked as a consultant to many major companies including Bayer, Montecatini, Cinzano, Alessi, Cassina, Parmalat, and Feltrinelli. In 1967 he cofounded a research group called Exhibition Design with Bruno Munari and Franco Grignani. Member of ADI, AIGA, and AGI, where he served as vice-president for two years. He taught at the Gesamthochschule of Essen and the University of Wuppertal. He died in 1985 in Milan, Lombardy.